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Dear Lucielle,

Thank you very much for the most wonderful surprise ever.

I only checked my postbox yesterday and was over the moon with the lovely gifts you sent me.

I truely cannot thank you enough, as the tissue oil bar has done wonders for my skin after only one application.

As for the Wisteria, it really has an awesome fragrance and the lip gloss is out of this world.

I am still to try the lip balm, but I was really amazed at the natural ingredients and the fact that the products collectively amount to over R300.

Words cannot adequately express my gratitude, so I hope a thousand thank yous will do with my most sincere well wishes for your prosperity for the flood gates of heaven to open to shower many a blessing on you.

With my utmost appreciation.

Yours faithfully,

Justine customer

* Please note that results may vary from person to person.

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